Baked Trout with Herb Stuffing and Cream Sauce Recipe

Baked Trout with Herb Stuffing and Cream Sauce Recipes

Ingredients :

75g / 3 oz butter

1 small onion, finely chopped

2 tbsp finely chopped parsley

1 tbsp finely chopped chives

3 tsp finely chopped dill

50g / 2 oz fine white breadcrumbs

finely grated rind of 1/2 lemon

2 tsp lemon juice

pinch of nutmeg

250ml / 8 fl oz rainbow or brown trout, cleaned and gutted

150ml / 1/4 pint dry white wine

salt and pepper

To serve:

boiled potatoes

green vegetables or salad

Method :

Melt 50g / 2 oz of the butter in a large frying pan. Add the onion and cook until soft but not browned. Remove from the heat. Mix the herbs together and add half to the pan, together with the breadcrumbs, lemon rind, juice and nutmeg and season to taste with salt and pepper. Mix well and moisten with 1-2 tbsp of the cream. Divide the stuffing between the fish.

Grease a large ovenproof baking dish with half the remaining butter. Lay the stuffed trout head to tail in the dish, dot with the remaining butter and pour over the wine. Bake in a preheated oven, 240C (475F), Gas Mark 9, for 20 minutes until slightly firm to the touch.

Pour the cooking liquid into a saucepan and boil rapidly until reduced by half. Add the remaining cream and herbs and return to the boil, adjusting the seasoning if necessary. Arrange the fish on warmed individual serving plates, pour a little sauce over each one and serve with boiled potatoes and crisp green vegetables or salad.

Serves 4


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