Savory Meat and Vegetable Dumpling Recipes
Ingredients : |
Suet Pastry:
8 oz self-raising flour
good pinch of salt
4 oz shredded suet
8-12 oz braising steak, diced
2 tbsp seasoned flour
2 carrots, thinly sliced
4 oz swede or turnip, diced
1.5 leeks, halved and sliced
1 tsp dried mixed herbs
10 fl oz cold beef stock |
Method :
- Grease a 2 pint pudding basin.
- To make the pastry, mix together
the flour, salt and suet in a bowl.
- Add enough cold water to form a
fairly soft dough.
- Reserve one third of the dough for
the lid.
- Roll out the rest and use to line
the pudding basin, toss the steak in the seasoned flour.
- Layer the meat and vegetables in
the basin.
- Sprinkle in the herbs and any
remaining flour, pour in the stock.
- Roll out the remaining pastry to
make a lid, dampen the edges and place in position.
- Press the edges well to seal them,
cover the pudding with greased greaseproof paper with a centre fold
to allow for expansion.
- Tie with string.
- Steam the pudding for 210-240
minutes, topping up the pan with boiling water, as necessary.
Serves 4
Get your herbs and spices' ingredients here