Rosemary Vinegar Recipe

Rosemary Vinegar Recipes

Ingredients :

fresh rosemary sprigs, to fill a 2.5 cup measure, plus more to decorate

2.5 cup white distilled vinegar

Method :
  1. Fill a sterilized wide-necked bottle or jar with the sprigs of rosemary.
  2. Fill to the top with vinegar.
  3. Cover tightly and place in a sunny spot for around 4-6 weeks.
  4. Filter the vinegar mixture through a coffee filter paper.
  5. Discard the rosemary.
  6. Heat the vinegar until it begins to simmer, but do not boil.
  7. Wash the bottle or jar and its lid well in hot, soapy water, rinse thoroughly, and dry in a warm oven.
  8. Pour the vinegar back into it or other sterilized decorative bottles.
  9. You can add a fresh sprig or two of rosemary for decorative purposes if you wish, then seal.
  10. Store in a dark place.
  11. Use within one year.

About 2.5 cups


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